Shadow Star (The Last Navigator #3) ebok
First Rate SF
I finished the riveting conclusion to The Last Navigator Trilogy in just four days. That speaks volumes about the quality found within these 453 pages. Shadow Star is a formidable page-turner. We follow Lieta, her brother Davi, Finn, Mark Hauser, plus a number of other characters from the first two volumes. The heroes are trying to prevent President Ichi from stealing a powerful weapon and unleashing doom upon the entire universe. It’s difficult to write a proper review without giving away too much of the plot. Suffice to say, this is space opera at its finest. The language is great and to the point, and the writer clearly demonstrates that he knows what he’s talking about. I have failed to spot a single mistake pertaining to technology, logic, weapons, you name it. If I didn’t know better, I might have thought Martenson is Mark Hauser come to life, cloaking his adventures in deep space as fiction for the entertainment of the masses. At the very beginning of the book, it says that this trilogy is the first trinity, meaning there will be two more trilogies. This third volume ends with a shocking cliffhanger, which means the saga continues in the next trilogy, hopefully sporting a lot of the same characters we have come to love. I simply cannot wait for the next adventure.