Talos Rising (The Last Navigator #1) ebok
Amazing Find!
I love science fiction movies and TV shows, but I must confess I don’t care much for it in book form. It’s not my preferred literary genre, to put it mildly. However, when I came across this debut novel by Erik Martenson, I decided to give it a chance. To my surprise, I found myself sucked in right from the get-go. Talos Rising has all the excitement of a proper page-turner. The story alternates between protagonists Lieta, a teenage girl stuck on-board a stranded spaceship overrun by an alien entity, and Mark Hauser, a battle-hardened soldier on-board the warship Talos. A series of short chapters propels the story into hyperdrive before you have time to buckle in. The author steers his debut novel expertly over the finish line in splendid fashion, never letting go of the gas. The good news is that this book is the first in a series called The Last Navigator. The bad news is that the sequel is not out yet. It really is that good. This coming from a guy who didn’t give a fig for the genre until very recently.
Kjempe skummel og spennende. Kan ikke vente på neste bok. Ikke for de minste da det er ganske skumle aliens og mye action.