You Know You're 50 When... ebok
A fun and nostalgic quiz book to help you look back at your fifty years with fond memories – or to test what you’ve forgotten!
Congratulations! You’re 50! You’re halfway to a century! You’ve lived through spacehoppers, chopper bikes, Star Wars (three times!), yuppies, New Romantics, Madchester and every generation of mobile phone issued so far. What do you mean you don’t remember any of them? That’s the problem, isn’t it? Life rushes by and there’s so little time to dwell on all its riches and details. Then, when you look back, you find you can’t remember much further than what you had for breakfast this morning.
So that’s where this handy volume comes in. It’s what you’ve been waiting for all these years. This is the quiz book that will get your 50-year-old synapses firing to find out how much attention you were paying to not only these but all the other fads, events and characters of your lifetime.
So what are you waiting for? Let’s take a quizzical look back at your life.