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OCR AS/A Level Law Book 1 ebok
Exam Board: OCR
Level: A-level
Subject: Law
First Teaching: September 2017
First Exam: June 2018
This student book is an OCR endorsed textbook.
Accurately cover the breadth of content in the new 2017 OCR AS and A Level specifications with this textbook written by leading A Level Law authors.
This engaging and accessible textbook contains complete coverage of the AS specification and combined with Book 2 will cover the full A Level specification. From leading law authors Jacqueline Martin and Nicholas Price, it is comprehensive, authoritative and updated with important changes to the law.
- Book 1 covers all of the required content for AS Level and Book 2 covers the additional A Level material beyond AS.
- Important, up-to-date and interesting cases and scenarios highlight key points.
- Discussion and activity tasks increase your students' understanding of more difficult concepts.
- Practice questions and self-test questions to help your students prepare for their exams.
This student book includes:
- The Legal System for AS and A Level
- Criminal Law for AS Level
- Law Making for AS and A Level
- The Law of Tort for AS Level
Additional A Level content is in OCR A Level Book 2
- Jacqueline Martin LLM has ten years' experience as a practising barrister and has taught law at all levels.
- Nicholas Price is an experienced teacher of Law and is an A Level Law textbook author.